Kaduna State SDGs Unit

About the Department

On 25 September 2015, the Member States of the United Nations agreed on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the Post-2015 Development Agenda. The SDGs build on the Millennium Development Goals, the global agenda that was pursued from 2000 to 2015, and will guide global action on sustainable development until 2030. The SDGs are a cause for celebration by local and regional governments the world over.

Even before Kaduna State is fully committed to galvanizing collaborative efforts of the Civil Society, Academia, international, regional, national and sub-national entities – both public and private- and the general public towards achieving the SDGs.

The Kaduna State Government of today has taken steps to set the standard for transparent decision making, citizen engagement (the first sub-national to subscribed to OGP), and a competent and responsive public service, looking at young people everywhere in public institutions of the State not to talk of political Appointees who are generally vibrant young men and women. All these are the requisite foundation laid for the attainment of the SDGs by 2030.

Kaduna State made history on September 20, 2017 when it became the first State in Nigeria to present an in-depth analysis of its SDGs data and strategy for implementation at the 72nd United Nations General Assembly in New York (talking about SDGs report 2017).

The State has integrated the 17 SDGs into the State Development Plan 2016-2020 and specified concerted policy actions towards making Kaduna State a leading destination for business investment, achieving strong and inclusive growth that creates wealth for all, education for all and a healthy population with improved life expectancy.

The state government invested heavily to reposition the Kaduna State Bureau Statistics to enable it get accurate data that will g uide decision making in the State. The State conducted two General Household Surveys (KDGHS), two Annual School Censuses, a state gross domestic product (GDP) Survey (KDGDP), a population dynamics survey and an Agricultural Structure Survey (KASS). The State also conducted Annual School Census between last year and by first week of March 2020, the State will be conducting its third General Household Survey (KDGHS). This survey is going to be the first of its kind not only in Nigeria but in Africa, as it will capture Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health. The data generated from these surveys helped the State to develop clear action plans on the way forward, especially with regards to the implementation of the SDGs.

Attaining the SDGs involves the collective efforts of all stakeholders. The role for each actor (state and non-state) cannot be over emphasized. We are on the right track, but more needs to be done.

Thus, the mandates and activities of the Unit geared towards achieving the SDGs was localized into MDAs.


  • Conducted the SDGs Acceleration Conference in January 2019
  • Facilitated the construction of 100 Nos Bed Mother and Child Care Hospital at Dan’daura in Kubau LGA being OSSAP-SDGs intervention.
  • Presented the Kaduna State 2017 SDGs Report which was subsequently launched at the 72nd United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York, USA.
  • Executed the Construction of 124 Projects under the 2014 Conditional Grant Scheme (CGS) utilizing N1.2Bn, being counterpart funds from the Federal Government of Nigeria and Kaduna State of equal amounts. This was allocated to six high-burden Local Government Areas in Kaduna State (Kaura, Kachia, Igabi, Chikun, Ikara, Kubau)
  • Conducted mapping of SDGs Indicators to various Ministries, Agencies and Departments (MDAs) in Kaduna State.
  • Engaged Officers from Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) on Gender Mainstreaming.
  • Distributed items being OSSAP-SDGs 2017 Special Projects Intervention; including:
  • 30 Number of Tricycles
  • 200 Number of TVS Motorcycles
  • 69 Number grinding Machines
  • 1 Number TOYOTA HIACE Ambulance
  • 10 Number Phototherapy Machines
  • 10 Number Incubator
